Saturday, March 6, 2010

Better late than never

One of my theatre colleagues and founder of the Dragon Theatre, Meredith, hosts a BFT (Big Friggin' Tree) holiday party every year. Her request is for each guest to bring an ornament to put on the tree. Last year I brought popcorn on a string. Traditional, but not very creative. This year, I decided to make up for it with Reggie, the Cheese Wax Christmas Dragon!

The dark green wax came from a wedge of champaign cheddar from Costco. The light green is leftover Zombie wax.

The black for the eyes and claws is from an unknown source, given to me by a friend back in middle school. (Yes, it keeps.)

Unfortunately, cheese wax Reggie doesn't lend himself very well to being suspended by string, as he would eventually droop under his own weight. So he sat happily on a bookshelf next to the tree instead.

1 comment:

Melissa Telling said...

My son started cheese wax modeling a year ago. I just made a Squidoo page about it & linked you there. I had no idea others were doing this!