Saturday, June 27, 2009

The last 6 weeks of our curriculum have been all about bread:  Pre-ferments, developing, proofing, yeast spikes, and aaaaarrrrgggg!!!!  Breads from Italy, Germany, France, Artisan breads... and of course, my sink-or-swim final project involving hazelnuts and chocolate chips.  (Which didn't turn out too badly, so I figure at least some of this plethora of knowledge must have stuck.)

This class was particularly challenging for me.  Perhaps it's because I've never made bread before now.  It certainly requires a different way of thinking about the baking process.  (Yeast is a moody little creature, requiring a higher level of attention to time and temperature.  And don't get me started on my trails and tribulations with gluten!)  But all in all, an  invaluable class that I wish I could take over again in hopes that I might actually retain a bit more of everything that was crammed into my head in a short 6 weeks.  

Of course, there's always one piece of advice from each class that sticks well enough to stay with you for the rest of your career: 

In Success Strategies, it was "Culinary school is not about the food." - Rocco

In Safety/Sanitation, it was "Food is nothing without sharing." - Peter

In Intro to Patisserie and Baking, is was "Don't drown the villagers."  - Chef Tim

Within our first week of class, Chef Mike taught us a key element to successful baguettes.  Once you have mixed and developed your dough, this is the point when you must ask yourself, "Do I have at least 2 hours to finish making this product?"  If the answer is yes, then you may continue.  If the answer is no, then the dough must be put in the refrigerator (more commonly known in class as "the retarder," because the cold temperature "retards" the growth of the yeast) until you are ready to use it.  

One day during baguette production, Chef Mike came over to our table and noticed that a student had printed in her notes with brightly colored letters, "2 HOURS OR RETARD!!!!"  He laughed and commented, "I want a shirt that says '2 hours or retard!'"

Well, Chef Mike... be careful what you wish for:-)

Here is cheese wax Chef Mike in a personalized t-shirt.
"2 HOURS" on the front...

"OR RETARD" on the back.

Thanks for stopping by!  Next up is Plated Desserts with Chef Nick, so check back in about 7 weeks:-)

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